The answer lies in establishing a reliable basis for the information provided. Documents such as birth certificates, marriage certificates, criminal records, and others are fundamental to proving identity, marital status, good conduct, and other aspects that directly influence eligibility for Portuguese citizenship.

Apostilling or legalizing a document goes beyond a bureaucratic formality; it is a means to ensure that the information contained in foreign documents is recognized and accepted by Portuguese authorities. This process also aims to protect against fraud and forgery, promoting the integrity and security of the country’s legal and administrative system.

It is important to understand the difference between apostille and legalization of documents. When the issuing country is a signatory of the Hague Convention, apostille is the preferred and simplified method for validating international documents. This procedure is carried out by a competent authority in the country of origin of the document, which places a specific seal or stamp, known as an “Apostille.”

On the other hand, when the issuing country is not a signatory of the Hague Convention, legalization is the required procedure to validate the documents. This process involves several steps, including authentication by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the issuing country.

The need for apostilled or legalized documents in the Portuguese nationality application is not just a formality, but a crucial legal requirement to ensure the authenticity and validity of foreign documents. Making sure your documents are duly apostilled or legalized can make all the difference in the success of your Portuguese nationality application.

Nationality Department

Ana Santos Fontes | Maria Moura Fonseca | Ana Luíza Fronczak