The processes for granting nationality are organized and analyzed in chronological order of submission, following an objective criterion. The Nationality Regulation sets legal deadlines for processing nationality applications, which are currently not being observed by the civil registries. The main reason for this discrepancy is the high number of applications to be processed, combined with a significant shortage of human resources in the civil registries. This backlog results in substantial delays beyond the expected deadlines.

For adults, for example, civil registries currently estimate a processing time of 24 to 29 months from submitting the nationality application to the final registration. This estimate assumes that all necessary documents are correctly submitted from the outset. However, in practice, this timeframe often exceeds the estimated limits.

However, there are urgent situations that can expedite the processing compared to normal processing times. Cases involving humanitarian issues, medical needs, or other exceptional circumstances may be considered priority and consequently receive faster processing.

Nationality Department

Ana Santos Fontes | Maria Moura Fonseca | Ana Luíza Fronczak