This revision involved some changes to existing clauses, as well as the addition of new clauses, namely those relating to job versatility and functional mobility, adaptability and bank of hours.

The most significant changes include:

  • the average increase in salary scales of around 7 % (variable depending on the category in question);
  • the increase in language knowledge bonuses, which now amount to €50.00, and
  • an increase in the food allowance to €132.00. The cash value of the food allowance provided in kind has also changed.

In terms of the bank of hours, the normal working period can be increased by up to two hours a day, maintaining the limit of 50 hours a week, but increasing the limit to 200 hours a year.

This revision was published in BTE no. 24 of 29 June 2024, with effect from 1 July 2024.

The changes to the salary scales, language premium and food allowance will apply until 31 December 2024.

Don’t hesitate to contact our labour department for more information.

Labour Department

Hugo Martins Braz | Mariana Lacueva Barradas