Benefits for Young First-Time Homebuyers
Young people aged 18 to 35 looking to buy their first home can now benefit from an exemption in the Municipal Property Transfer Tax (IMT) for properties valued up to €316.772. 
Additionally, they are also exempt from the costs of Stamp Duty, registering the first acquisition of a home and the mortgage registration.
More details here.

IMI Exemption for Older Rental Contracts
Properties with rental agreements signed before the implementation of the Urban Lease Regime (RAU), and which have not yet transitioned to the New Urban Lease Regime (NRAU), are now eligible for an exemption from the Municipal Property Tax (IMI). This exemption will remain in effect for the duration of the rental contract. Landlords may apply for the exemption through the Portuguese Tax Portal.

IMI Second Installment Reminder
August marks the deadline for paying the second installment of IMI, applicable if the total tax exceeds €500. Payment details are available in the personal area of the Portuguese Tax Portal.

Tax Department

Sofia Quental | Inês Grácio | Catarina Amaral